About “CountlessShe”
Where does “CountlessShe” come from? Many years ago I worked at a shelter in Seattle. There, I met women of all kinds who, for whatever reason, called the shelter home. Over fifteen years later, I still think about 3 residents in particular. They were incredibly talented; one was a painter and two embroidered beautiful designs. I still wonder what it would’ve been like had they enjoyed an opportunity to show their art.
There are many more stories like that - I have friends who are artists, I come from a family of artists and yet, very few of them display their creations. I know some may not want to, but there are some that haven’t found an outlet…yet. I expanded my thinking and immediately became more inclusive. Art speaks to everyone, gender, race, religion aside. As I evolve as an artist and my project evolves with me, I can see space for a “CountlessWe.” Because after all, art has the power to heal.